Yamantaka // Sonic Titan

From Toronto, Canada

From last.fm:

YT//ST was founded in late 2007 by performance artists alaska B and Ruby Kato Attwood, born from the ashes of the late Lesbian Fight Club. Armed with mixed-race identities, mad illustration skills and a whole pile of home-brew junk electronics, alaska and Ruby wrote and performed the first mini 'Noh-Wave' Opera, 'YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN I' in April 2008. YT//ST continued to perform short homebrewed operas, eventually forming a network of Asian and Indigenous artists through collaboration and formed the current YT//ST collective. Read more about YAMANTAKA // SONIC TITAN on Last.fm.

Artist calendar and other content still to come.

If you have any questions please contact us at info@mnlive.net.